How to increase engagement on TikTok

How to increase engagement on TikTok

TikTok has over 1 billion users worldwide, all searching for their next favorite video. It’s easy to use, popular among multiple demographics, and has a vast reach potential– 150 countries and over 75 languages! The possibility of publishers succeeding in this space exists, but how do you tap into it? How do you increase engagement on TikTok and get some of these 1 billion people to engage with your posts?

Let’s start by discussing why engagement is vital on TikTok and the metrics you should pay attention to. Then, we’ll review some of our favorite TikTok best practices for boosting engagement and authentically building your audience. 

Why is TikTok engagement important

We at True Anthem talk a lot about engagement, and for good reason—it’s the pillar of online growth. 

Engagement metrics show publishers how their audience is receiving their content. They show which videos perform best, what topics are the most popular, what style of content your audience enjoys the most, and more. 

Knowing how to increase engagement on TikTok is only essential when you know what you want. Like YouTube, TikTok differs slightly in how you connect with audiences as a video-only platform. There are different metrics to gauge engagement on TikTok, but these are the ones we recommend publishers pay attention to the most:

  • Likes, shares, comments 
  • Engagement rate (how users interact with content) 
  • Engagement rate by follower (average number of follower engagements per video)
  • Profile views (number of times a user views your profile, measures interest) 
  • Watch time (how long users watch your video)
  • Full video watch time (how many times the video is fully watched) 
  • Hashtag performance 

How to increase engagement on TikTok 

Once you know what metrics are important, it’s time to implement practices that can positively impact them. 

Yes, you may have seen some of these tips before. Remember, TikTok engagement tips will differ from platforms such as Threads, which is more text-based, and Instagram, which acts as a hodgepodge of all content styles. TikTokers are the fastest of the scrollers and the hardest to catch. Your efforts in this space have to be intentional and thought out to maintain a loyal audience. Let’s get into it. 

Consistency in posting 

Post consistency on TikTok is vital to survival. If you do not show up frequently and predictably in this space, users will most likely forget about you. This is a fast-moving platform, with up to 34 million videos posted every day. The competition is high, and consistency is one of the only ways to keep up. 

We get it. Consistent content creation and posting are challenging. Automation can relieve a lot of the stress publishers experience surrounding creating and scheduling content. We talk more here about the new standard in publishing automation and how these tools can help you stay on track with your social media goals. 

Engage with users

If you want engagement from your audience, you have to be willing to engage back. The TikTok algorithm watches how much users engage with your posts and how much effort your brand puts into responding and building a community. 

Not all engagement is equal, so keep this in mind. If you check your posts once a day and simply like every comment, it’s not going to cut it. Your audience wants to know you care. Dedicate time to responding thoughtfully to comments and messages. Be personal and try to respond within a few hours or at least by the end of the day. 

Relevant hashtags 

The TikTok algorithm uses hashtags to subcategorize and distribute content to your audience. Think of them like little breadcrumb pathways you build to direct readers from different areas of the internet to your door. 

TikTok has never been a platform that supports the overabundant use of hashtags. Your focus should be more on the quality of hashtags than the quantity. Using about 3-5 should do the trick. Make sure you use a mix of industry-specific, trending, and unique hashtags created for your brand. 

Storytelling techniques

Storytelling is extremely important on TikTok. It’s one of the best ways to increase engagement on TikTok and one reason for the platform’s booming success in popularity in the last few years. 

Storytelling on social media helps establish authentic connections and makes your brand memorable. To do this, you have to know a few things first: What is your story? Who needs to hear your story? How does your audience want to hear it? We go more in-depth with tips on storytelling in content marketing and how you can leverage these methods on multiple platforms.

Valuable content

This is easier said than done but is another cornerstone to ensuring TikToks engage with your content. Your brand must be valuable to your audience, and this value should come from your content.

Valuable content can be inspirational, educational, entertaining, convincing, or all of the above. It’s not as simple as following a checklist of adding valuable bits. You have to know your audience and believe in your brand mission. This takes a little research, but it’s worth it.

Not all trending sounds will be a good fit for your niche. But when they are, they’re super powerful. At least 68% of TikTok users remember a brand better when using trending sounds, and 58% report feeling more connected. 

You can use the discoverability features on TikTok to find examples of inspiration for applying trending sounds to your content. Also, look at popular accounts in your niche to see how they utilize sounds or, if you’re feeling ambitious, make your own for your niche and collaborate with others!

High-quality content 

TikTok is more informal than other platforms. These are users who like DIY, behind-the-scenes, nitty-gritty, ‘show me the truth’ types. That being said, quality is still important. 

Make sure to put your best foot forward with lighting and sound, and incorporate various editing techniques to keep your videos vibrant and exciting. You don’t have to go over the top, but your content should look professional. For more tips, we have a short-form video guide to help you get started. 


Making the most out of your content can increase your engagement and help keep your other social media platforms active. Plus, cross-posting saves you time on the content you work hard to produce. It puts you in the work smarter, not harder category all social media teams love. 

Some of the ways you can cross-post your TikTok content include: 

  • Use bits of your TikTok videos on platforms such as Instagram and Pinterest, with a link to your TikTok profile. 
  • Post your videos in Facebook groups to target desired audiences.
  • Embed video links on your website or blog posts. 
  • Post your videos in Threads or X to spice up your accounts. 
  • Repurpose your videos on YouTube with a call out to follow you in both spaces. 

TikTok is an ever-changing platform with fantastic growth potential when you have the right tools to leverage it. Need some more guidance on increasing engagement on TikTok? Reach out to us or request a demo to find out how we can help you succeed.

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