How to increase Threads engagement

threads engagement

Threads came onto the social media scene at the perfect time. Far past being a new fad, Threads established over 175 million active monthly users in its first year. This may not sound like much, but compared to X, which has taken 16 years to reach 550 million active users, it’s pretty impressive for a new platform. 

If you’re already on Threads, you may have noticed it resembles X but with one stark difference–community building. Threads is heavily focused on creating vibrant and invaluable online communities. Engagement is crucial, and while the platform is still new, we have some tips for increasing your Threads engagement to leverage the app’s growth potential. 

How to get high engagement on Threads

Integrate with other platforms 

One of the best ways to boost engagement on a new app is to let your audiences on other platforms know you’re there. 

Threads is a meta platform built to integrate seamlessly with Facebook and Instagram. It allows you to easily share content across platforms, drawing existing audiences and enabling you to tap into new audiences across multiple channels. 

Additionally, publishers looking to give Threads a shot for the first time will experience a more cohesive approach to their marketing efforts. Integrations allow teams to post on multiple platforms simultaneously, keeping their brand voice consistent and elevating their content performance. 

Third-party integration 

In June 2024, Threads enabled direct engagement through third-party sites, allowing developers to integrate the platform into their websites. They also offered enhanced options for posting and post-scheduling and analytics to make it easier for publishers to add Threads to their daily workflow. 

What does this mean? Publishers can share external links on Threads to increase engagement and website traffic. This is also a great chance to recirculate high-performing content to see how audiences receive it in a new space.

Engage in real-time

Responding to your users in real time has proven crucial to growth on most other platforms. Your audience wants to know you care about what they think. Since Threads was explicitly created to improve how people communicate online, we can only imagine this step is even more critical. 

Threads’ bread and butter (and namesake) is its threaded style of user communication. Feeling lost and unseen in scattered online conversations under videos and images is easy. Threads make it simple to chat, allowing users to have more organized conversations that are easy to follow. 

Use platform features 

Since its July 2023 launch, Threads has released several new features to meet the needs of its users. We gathered a few below that could be important to increasing engagement: 

  • Real-time sports updates. This debuted in March and allows sports fans instant access to scores of their favorite games. The goal is to provide information that sparks engagement during live events, not just sports. 
  • Real-time search results. Threads are all about real-time interactions, especially when they can increase engagement. With this feature, users can access the most recent conversations and posts for topics they’ve shown interest in.
  • Hidden words. Similar to Instagram’s content moderation tool, this feature automatically filters language across the app, including profiles, search results, feeds, and post conversations. For engagement purposes, publishers can use this tool to stay alerted to certain questions or topics they wish to respond to quickly. 
  • Trending Now topic feature. Trending topics are now easily accessible with the top-rated content and conversations for each one. You can also follow these topics and receive updates on what others say about them. This is a great tool for publishers to stay up to date on niche information. 

While it’s impossible to tell if these features will help engagement, it doesn’t hurt to utilize them. In the past, algorithms have favored using in-app features, so it’s worth a try!

Be innovative and unique 

You can cross-post some content on other Meta platforms but don’t make Threads identical to your other accounts. Most likely, the users migrating to Threads are looking for something different. This space is excellent for deepening conversations and building valuable relationships without fancy graphics or videos. 

Experiment with different Threads content formats to see which style your audience responds best. Stay true to your brand voice, but pay attention to the demographics following you in this space, tailoring content to their liking. 

Threads is still relatively new, meaning the possibility for successful growth and brand visibility remains. Adding another platform to your plate can feel overwhelming, but we’re here to support you. Request a free demo of our tool to see how we can help.

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