Importance of sharing content on Instagram

sharing content on Instagram

Instagram is still a thriving app on the social media landscape. With over 2 billion active monthly users, it’s currently the fourth most popular platform worldwide. However, this space has changed a lot over the years. Sharing content on Instagram is not what it used to be, and using old marketing methods is bound to fall flat. Don’t worry, we’re here to help. 

In a recent Instagram reel, the head of the platform, Adam Mosseri, gave brands a little advice for finding success in 2024– focus on sends per reach. Sends per reach is a metric that measures how many people share your post privately in their direct messages compared to the total number of views. Why is this all of a sudden important? It all ties into the goal of promoting a more personalized online experience. 

In this article, we’ll discuss the importance of sends per reach and why this method of sharing content on Instagram is so important. We’ll also review some tips for creating compelling content your audience wants to share and how it can promote reach and engagement. 

Why are Instagram shares important?

In the modern era of social media, news feeds are no longer random. Platforms are focused on curating personalized news feeds. They want you to open their app and believe every post was handpicked for your eyes. One way the algorithms measure whether the content they push is hitting the right audiences is by measuring shares. 

Shares are essential KPIs (key performance indicators) that help measure your success on social media. When a user shares a post, it means they connected with it. They will discuss this content, look for more of it, and be willing to engage with it; all of this activity increases your chances of growth.

It’s important to note that shares are not just important on Instagram. Engagement is the metric most platforms are promoting in 2024. Our recent customer performance data shows engagement is becoming an increasingly dominant factor in impacting impressions with the new Facebook algorithm. The more shareable data you can create for your audience to engage with across all platforms, the better.

Focus on the ‘sends per reach’ ranking 

Now, shares are great, but in 2024, not all shares are equal. Instagram is honing in on cultivating a truly personalized space. Sends per reach have become their main focus because they are private shares. You only DM your best friends, closest buddies, and genuine connections online. Instagram wants more of it. 

According to Mosseri, sends per reach is currently the most important ranking signal on Instagram, prioritized above likes, follows, and even sharing to Stories. Mosseri states, “So out of all the people who saw your video or photo, how many sent it to a friend in a DM? At Instagram, we’re trying to be a place where people can be creative, but in a way that brings people together.” 

Measuring which content is shared privately is one of the best ways to determine if your content has sparked a deep connection. You want your content to touch your target audience personally. If they are sharing it with their friends and family, chances are, it has. What types of content you’re sharing on Instagram matters.

Creating shareable content on Instagram 

Mosseri’s Reel emphasizes how important sends per reach are, but the essential advice is not to make it look inauthentic. “…don’t force it as a creator,” says Mosseri. “But if you can, think about making content people want to send to a friend or someone they care about.” 

The key here is creating content that will be loved so much that someone has to send it to people in their inner circle. Whether it sparks an emotion or a memory or is simply amazing to watch, Instagram will favor posts with high sends per reach over any other metrics that have ruled in the past.

We previously wrote about some great tips for creating compelling content your audience will love, with several ways to connect through these online spaces. Below, we’ll review a few of the most crucial content tips for any brand to help you create shareable content. 

Choosing the right audience

Understanding the preferences and behavior of your target reader is crucial to online success. There is an audience for every brand in the world, but you have to be able to identify them before you create content for them. 

Knowing your audience means understanding their wants, needs, online behaviors, and goals. Your content strategy should focus on making posts your audience is searching for and content they didn’t know they wanted. You should know everything about your audience, inside and out. 

Providing value

Your audience will only share your content if they consider it valuable. Content is only valuable when an audience determines it to be, not because you tell them it is. It could be entertaining, educational, convincing, inspiring, or all of the above. But without value, your audience will not care to share. 

Adding value to your content starts with instilling value into your brand. This guide provides more information about creating valuable content your audience loves.

Visual storytelling 

Instagram is a visual platform. It’s always appealed more to users who enjoy aesthetic images and videos than anything else. Playing into this style will help you snag the attention of your Instagram audience.

Visual storytelling on Instagram is a powerful tool. It incorporates videos, stories, Reels, photos, infographics, memes, carousels, and GIFs. Practically anything can be incorporated into visual storytelling as long as you convey your brand mission creatively. 

If you’re just starting out or not sure which avenue to take for visual storytelling, we have some great data on the benefits of Instagram carousels to guide you. The algorithm is really favoring these types of posts right now, which could be a double win if your audience shares your carousels in their DMs!

Evergreen focus

Try not to pigeonhole your content into current trends and topics. If you create content through the lens of Evergreen’s potential, you’ll have a better chance of your audience picking it up when they need it. 

Think about the types of posts users want to share over and over in your niche. What will remain relevant over time? This is actually an excellent opportunity to highlight your brand’s expertise. Posting consistent, shareable, and relevant content will establish your brand as a leader in your industry that users will look to for guidance. 

Yes, we like to use trends because they are entertaining, funny, and interesting–until they’re not. Be original with your content. Posts that are outside the box and different are much more likely to be remembered, saved, and shared. 

Instagram remains a platform brands can turn to for online growth and engagement, but consistency is key. Sharing content on Instagram will not yield positive results without a consistent posting schedule. Automating some of your social media marketing strategies can help you stay on track so you can spend more time creating those sends-per-reach-worthy posts.

Reach out to chat about our automation options and request a demo to try it yourself. 

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