Managing multiple social media accounts

Managing multiple social media accounts

In the social media world of 2024, very few users are loyal to one platform. True, they may prefer one space over another. Still, the variety of content each platform offers has users managing multiple social media accounts: TikTok and X for news and entertainment, Pinterest for ideas, Facebook for community, and so on. 

User engagement on multiple platforms means publishers must stay present in different spaces to remain relevant. While it’s possible to succeed by focusing all your efforts in one space, publishers can risk missing out on opportunities or losing their audience if a platform goes south. 

Managing multiple social media accounts can be stressful and overwhelming. However, True Anthem clients don’t share the same opinion. With the right tools and strategy, remaining present and relevant in different social spaces can reap huge benefits. In this article, we’ll explore the fantastic features our tool uses to accomplish this and how they can work for your team, too. 

Benefits of multiple accounts 

Building a loyal audience is crucial for publishers, and this can’t be accomplished without diversifying your presence online. This means meeting your audience where they are–literally and figuratively–by providing valuable content on the platforms they frequent. 

True Anthem clients have experienced stable success with our techniques for managing multiple social media accounts. Before we discuss how to do it, let’s start by discussing the benefits of multiple social media accounts.  

Reaching different audiences 

Building a larger readership involves tapping into different audiences. You won’t be able to do this if you stick to only one platform. Users choose different platforms for a reason: videos, community, entertainment, news, etc. You can access more diverse audiences by offering up your content in other forms on various apps.  

Creative expression 

Being on different platforms allows your team more creative freedom. Your content cannot be identical across all platforms. Each platform has its crown jewels of content style. Creating different strategies for repurposing content will keep your social media interesting and your team’s creative juices flowing. 

Avoiding over-reliance

Staying present on multiple social media accounts provides security in a volatile world. The social media landscape changes on a dime, and managing multiple accounts will ensure a continuous flow of communication with parts of your audience, even if unpredictable changes occur. 

How to manage multiple social media accounts

Managing multiple social media accounts does have some complexities, but it’s only stressful without the right tool. At True Anthem, we are all about working smarter, not harder. Our tool solves the most common problems with multiple account management, allowing teams the freedom and time to focus on responsibilities outside of social marketing. 

Below are some tips for managing multiple social media accounts and where True Anthem steps in to help. 

Work on one dashboard

Logging into multiple social media accounts to post content is counterproductive. Using a tool that combines all your accounts in one place is a game changer. True Anthem uses an interactive dashboard that allows you to schedule posts on multiple platforms simultaneously and optimize content for better reach. 

Currently, True Anthem supports AI posting on X, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Threads, and LinkedIn. We provide manual scheduling support for TikTok and YouTube. We also offer a content calendar for easy organization to help you plan and track your content.

Create solid stratigies

It’s hard to know what to do on social media when you don’t know what’s working and what’s not. Defining clear goals and identifying your target audience is necessary, but you can’t spend time diving separately into every platform’s analytics page.

The best way to determine what’s working for your audience is through real-time data and advanced analytics that pool all of the most pertinent information about your accounts. Our propriety algorithm does just that, identifying and ranking your best content on each platform and pulling from your website to see what content approach works best.  

However, our analytics don’t just provide you with the information you need; we help you work with it. True Anthem uses advanced and holistic reporting to help teams interpret the performance of social posts and social channels, providing actionable insights to inspire achievable goals. 

Automate workflows

The bulk of social media posting is repetitive: creating, approving, scheduling, posting, analyzing, and repeating. Much of the process is mundane and understimulating yet imperative. In these cases, automation tools like True Anthem can free up time, lessening the stress and time spent on repetitive tasks. 

True Anthem can automate anywhere from scheduling and posting (via a content calendar), to generating calendar changes suggested by your audience’s data-driven results. We save publishers time on digging for those Evergreen and Recirculation gems with our smart search, which highlights posts with the most potential for long-term success.

Consistent brand voice

One of the most important rules in a multi-social media platform approach is consistency. You want to ensure your posts cater to the dominant demographics. However, you don’t want to make them so different that your audience doesn’t know it’s you when you’re posting. 

True Anthem’s one dashboard will show all your content in one place. It’s quick and easy to see how your content blends as a whole and to spot any inconsistencies in brand voice and style before publishing. 

Curate your content

Curating content for social media is a must in 2024. The more personalized, the better. 

True Anthem can help you curate content using editorial rules. This feature allows publishers to prioritize social content based on different demographics to meet the needs of their audience on each platform. It helps you zone in on your target audience and deliver specific content to users you know are more likely to engage with your content. 

Ready to try? 

Give our tool a chance to help your team succeed in managing multiple social media accounts. Request a demo or reach out with questions about how we can help.

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