Navigating X’s headline changes

X’s headline changes (formerly Twitter) have thrown everyone for a loop, and we have been fielding questions and concerns about how to effectively build posts for the platform. Given this change is still in its infancy (released yesterday), we are working actively to observe and analyze the shift in performance indicators.

We wanted to take a moment to share the current options for X post formats, in addition to our tips to maximize them with the recent changes:

Link Post Format

This build uses a URL that produces the clickable image with no headline (as of X’s latest change). This format is the most heavily affected by the headline change.


  • Adopts the direction that the platform (X) is going

Think About

  • Clicking an image to read an external article is (currently) not a taught behavior on X, which could affect performance.


  • Update Post Message text to use page title/headline
  • Add a call to action as a static element to your copy (We can automate this!)
  • Add headline or text overlay to images going to X.

Photo Post Format

The build uses the meta-image paired with the mapped element for post copy to build a photo post and then appends the URL to the copy.


  • Adds a clickable link/URL to the post message
  • Closer to original X (formally Twitter) known behavior

Think About

  • Treated as a photo/image type by the algorithm


  • Add a call to action as a static element to your copy (Reach out to us to discuss automating this!)

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