Pinterest 2024 Trend Predictions

Now that Pinterest Predicts has released its 2024 trending report, it’s time to revamp your Pinterest strategy to optimize your online efforts!

Pinterest has some of the best growth potential for publishers on social media. A Pin can remain relevant years after it’s published, which is unheard of on platforms like Instagram and Facebook. Plus, Pinterest users are nothing but loyal. They are there looking for what they love; if you provide that, you’re as good as gold. 

Let’s explore some of the most important 2024 Pinterest trends publishers should focus on and the best practices they should continue on the platform to elevate their brand.

Pinterest trends are different than other platforms. On TikTok and Instagram, a trend only seems to last a few weeks. Everyone does the same type of video, buys the same cup, uses the same filter, and then switches almost immediately, faster than most of us have time to jump on. These fads also tend to be super random. They often have nothing to do with your niche and are purely there for a quick follower jump.

Pinterest trends are less like fads and more similar to long-term predictions. In fact, Pinterest trends last 20% longer than other apps. They illustrate significant shifts in consumer behavior and buying, making them extremely useful for brands looking for more successful social media marketing strategies

Additionally, Pinterest trends inspire significant action from users to build a solid funnel from the platform to your website. Pinterest Predicts found that brands that considered the trends from the 2023 trend report saw a 50% increase in click-through rates! That’s huge, considering your competition in other online spaces. 

So now that you know what Pinterest Trends are, how do you find them? Simple. You can uncover everything you need to know with the Pinterest Trends tool. This tool displays everything you need to know about the trends, plus relevant information to help you create powerful content within each.

Some key features of the Pinterest Trend tool include trending search terms, popular pin topics, content style, trending creators to follow, and trending pins within each category. The tool also provides real-time data on what is currently popular on the platform to help you curate more personalized content for your audience.

You can access the Pinterest Trends tool on both your mobile and desktop, but the mobile version is limited. The desktop version provides more demographics, types of trends, and a more comprehensive breakdown.

For the desktop version, sign in to your Pinterest Business Account, select the three-bar icon, and then Trends. For the mobile version, visit the Pinterest Trends website link and log in to see your stats. You won’t see everything, but you can still get some insight if you need it on the fly.

You don’t have to be one of the most popular Pinterest niches to access the growth potential on Pinterest. Approximately 87% of Pinterest users want to buy what they are searching for. If you can catch the attention of the newsgoers on this app, there is potential for securing loyal readers and subscribers. 

After reviewing all the proposed 2024 Pinterest trends, here are some of the suggestions we found most helpful for publishers. 

Sponsoring a trend 

Is there a specific trend or aesthetic on Pinterest this year that is perfect for your audience? It might be worth sponsoring it. 

Sponsoring Pinterest trends grants you special rights to a specific trend category in a particular country. When you sponsor a trend, the platform will give you a co-branded badge to place on your ads. They also give you creative support and audience targeting assistance, which publishers can use to better understand their audience. Explore the aesthetic trends to see if something fits your brand already. Don’t make your brand try to fit the trend; you may risk losing your audience instead of gaining them. 

Ad features 

Pinterest users are ready to shop and determined to find a solution for their next project. Using Pinterest ads is a great way to build brand awareness and drive more traffic to your website. Pinterest ads are super attractive compared to other platforms, and they’ve added even more features in the last few months to help brands expand. 

  • Premiere Spotlight: This feature is now on the search and home feed. It allows brands to own exclusive premium ad placement to make their campaigns more visible to their audience. Premiere ads hit users when they log in, so they don’t have to scroll looking for your content. 
  • Showcase Ads: These new ads are interactive and allow users to preview your brand before clicking off the platform. Users can swipe through images to dive deeper into what you do. Plus, this gives you more accurate data of what your audience likes based on how many people click through after. 
  • Quiz Ads: Personalization is key to gaining a loyal following on any platform. Quiz ads help brands gain a deeper level of authentic personalization with their Pinterest audience by encouraging engagement. You can ask up to three questions targeting your audience’s interests and goals. 

Publishers would most benefit from ads targeting conversions from users to subscribers. The platform’s low average CPC (cost per click) promotes a higher ROI than larger apps like Facebook. Your ads not only have less competition but are funneled more precisely to the exact people you’re looking for. 

Increased shopability 

Working right along with the new ad features, Pinterest is making the platform even more shoppable with the integration of new link options: mobile deep links and direct links. 

Mobile deep links, introduced last year, will help brands convert discovery into purchases/subscriptions when users click on ads using a mobile device. Direct links will take users right to a retailer’s sight without having to segway through a blog. 

Creative Studio 

Pinterest is joining the movement to increase generative AI on social media with its announcement of the new Creative Studio. This new feature (looking to be released later in 2024) gives brands an option for creative assistance with content creation. Essentially, you can add your Pin link, select prompts to match what you want, and then Creative Studio will generate background options. 


The collage feature is predicted to be popular among 2024 Pinterest trends. To make a collage, you can cut objects from one Pin and combine them with other cutouts, just like what you used to do in your paper scrapbook. 

Collages go beyond the Pinterest boards and help users combine their favorite ideas. It’s a great tool for publishers to help audiences broaden their interests to increase their interest in their content as a whole. Unfortunately, collages are currently only available on IOS mobile devices, but plan to roll them out globally soon. 

Pinterest Personas

Personas are a powerful tool that is helping brands on Pinterest really narrow in on their audience. This feature will consider your demographic, niche, interests, and keywords to tell you who is most likely to consume your content and ads. 

Use personas by adding them to your Ads Manager. For more support, find out using Pinterest Ads Manager here

Best Pinterest practices to continue in 2024 

If parts of your Pinterest marketing strategy that are already working, don’t stop! You can integrate the trending features and aesthetics as you see fit for your brand, but some of the old best Pinterest practices still apply.  

Multi-media content 

Keep posting various content on your page that your audience enjoys. Use a mix of videos, images, collages, infographics, and whatever else fits your brand. It is important to hit all angles of your audience. Here are some different types of Pins popular on Pinterest to consider: 

  • Image Pins: Images uploaded from your desktop or saved online. 
  • Video Pins: Single or multiple short-form videos in one pin.
  • Rich Pins: Pins syncing to your website data via a metadata code (used for articles, products, recipes, etc.)
  • Product Pins: These can take users to your website or another direct retailer for purchase. 

Optimizing your profile

The keywords you use in Pinterest content are more important than ever this year. Any place you have the opportunity to put a copy on your Pinterest profile, you should be using popular keywords and phrases directed toward your niche. Don’t go overboard; you still want your content to read authentically. But absolutely take advantage of optimizing your copy. 

Optimizing on Pinterest can be done in several spaces: 

  • Board titles 
  • Pin and board descriptions
  • Brand bio/profile
  • Image-alt-text

Don’t know where to find keywords? Pinterest is a social media platform that doubles as a search engine! You can type into the search bar to see what is trending in your niche. If you happen to be using a 2024 Pinterest trend that fits your brand, there are also suggested keywords and phrases under each topic. 

This article talks more about helping publishers optimize for social media

Platform engagement 

Pinterest is different than other platforms in many ways, but it’s still social media. The idea is to connect, and the algorithm will push accounts with more engagement than clothes. You must engage on the platform like any other to succeed on Pinterest. 

Engagement on Pinterest includes repinning, following, commenting, and sharing posts from other accounts. This includes your Pinterest boards; you can’t just post your brand’s content. Pinterest loves collaboration and accounts that support one another. Plus, if you are networking with other accounts in your niche, there’s a higher likelihood that their followers will also find their way over to you!

Prioritizing organic traffic

Pinterest has some pretty cool features for paid advertising, but nothing beats organic traffic. 

Organic traffic is one of the most beneficial components of marketing on Pinterest for publishers. 

Pins don’t expire, meaning if you optimize them correctly, you could be looking at a long-term stream of readers who can find and engage with your posts for years. The best way to continue organic traffic to your page includes: 

  • Use the right keywords in your copy and on pins. 
  • Create boards regularly. 
  • Engage with other accounts. 
  • Publish content consistently. 
  • Use storytelling techniques to encourage followers. 
  • Leverage any user-generated content.

If you want to use paid advertising on Pinterest, go for it. It’s a great platform to advertise. However, make sure to keep in mind the potential for organic traffic on top of your paid advertising so you can get even more bang for your buck. 

Repurpose content 

We are all about working smarter, not harder, on social media. Pinterest is a great place to repurpose your content, especially from your website. 

Because Pinterest prioritizes verified content over spam, content you have already posted to your website is likelier to do well. Plus, you can create multiple pins to promote one article by changing the titles, keywords, photos/videos and spacing them out throughout the month. 

For content you’ve posted on other platforms that you want to bump to Pinterest, you can repurpose these into Idea Pins. Choose these wisely to avoid looking like you’re just dumping content from other platforms. Only repurpose content that’s considered ‘Pinterest worthy.’


This applies to all social media, but Pinterest is especially fond of consistency. It is not a ‘post and ghost’ type of platform as it was in the past. If you are in this space, make sure you are posting consistently, whatever that may look like for your brand. Consistency is king in content and the most important part of whatever strategy you implement in 2024. 

We just gave you a lot of information. If you’re overwhelmed a bit, it’s understandable. There are a lot of steps publishers have to take to be successful on social media. Thankfully, True Anthem can take some of the pressure off. 

Our AI tool supports Pinterest and can help you schedule and identify popular content to repurpose and remain consistent in your approach. Send us a message to chat more about how we can help.

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