SEO for TikTok success

SEO for TikTok

TikTok has become more than just an entertainment platform. In fact, Google has found that at least 40% of younger users are now turning to TikTok as a primary search engine, similar to Pinterest and YouTube. What does this mean? TikTok users also want a more tailored and personalized online experience, and publishers who have yet to optimize their content for discoverability are missing a prominent opportunity. 

The trend of using TikTok over traditional search engines is great news for publishers, considering nearly half of users on this platform are searching for news. With over 1 billion active users on any given day, there is endless potential for publishers to reach new audiences and dip into the golden pool where loyal readers are found.        

In this article, we will talk a little about how TikTok users differ from the average social media user and the best SEO practices you can implement to catch their attention. We’ll also review which practices you can stop doing to free up your team. Let’s get into it.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

What is TikTok SEO

Unlocking the power of SEO practices is all about optimizing online content to reach your target audience. Adding these techniques to your marketing strategy puts your content more favorably in front of the algorithms. This is the reason why you see an influx in cabin rentals when searching for a mountain vacation and how TikTok offers options when searching at all. 

Specifically, TikTok SEO involves traditional best practices to fit the unique needs and desires of demographics in this space. Your goal for optimization on TikTok is to land your content in one of two locations: the For You Pages (FYPs) and the Explore Page. Here’s the difference: 

  • For You Page. Getting on a user’s FYP is how publishers can reach new audiences. These users may not have searched your content before and might not be following you, but the algorithm has determined prospective followers. 
  • Explore Page. Showing up in the app’s search results is tapping into the user pool who knows they want your content. These users search for posts similar to yours, and TikTok will push your account here if it is appropriately optimized.  

How are TikTok users different? 

Different demographics dominate every platform, shaping the way our marketing plans look on each app. TikTok is no different. Successful SEO implementation starts with understanding who TikTok really is. 

First, TikTok users seek out more visually-rich forms of content during search and discovery. They won’t be satisfied with a list or quick description. These users want to see exactly what they’re searching for a behind-the-scenes look at a restaurant, salon, vacation home, and more. 

Next, while users on TikTok are honing in more on what they are interested in outside of entertaining videos, they are still the ultimate scrollers. You can follow every SEO best practice to direct audiences to your content, but without compelling and relevant videos, you’ll have a tough time keeping them there. 

SEO practices for TikTok

Optimizing your TikTok content is all about maximizing your visibility in this space. You want the audiences searching for your content to find, consume, save, share, and consistently return for more. These tricks, paired with our other best practices for TikTok, can make for some killer content.

It’s possible that you may already be implementing some of these strategies, but remember, social media changes all the time. Updating your strategy frequently to adjust to algorithm and platform changes is crucial to online success and staying relevant with trending practices in your niche. We suggest taking a look at the following. 

Let’s start with one of TikTok’s most unique SEO techniques–audio. The right audio can instantly transform a video from ‘meh’ to memorable. Trending audio is one of the biggest reasons videos are elevated to viral status and can be used strategically to boost brand visibility. 

However, remember only to use audio that aligns with your brand voice and mission. Many accounts may succeed with a sound that doesn’t fit anything you’re posting. Never adapt your content to trending audio; instead, use it to enhance your already predicted content to perform well with your audience. 

Understanding user behavior

What type of content is your audience looking to engage with? How long are they willing to watch? What types of videos are they more willing to watch? Researching your audience’s online behavior is essential before creating content.

If you’re unsure where to start, look at your TikTok Insights. See which videos your target audience engages with, which ones they finish when they drop off, and what content styles and topics keep their attention the longest. 

Relevant hashtags and keywords

Hashtags and keywords are vital in search and discovery. Using these techniques strategically helps the TikTok algorithm categorize your content so it knows who to push it out to. The more precise you are with your keywords and hashtags, the more discoverable your content will become. This also applies to text overlays on videos that use keywords. 

TikTok may have upped its character count, but that doesn’t mean you should fill it to the brim. Keep your captions short, with 3-5 hashtags and only the most relevant keywords to each post. For help, head to TikTok’s search bar to do some keyword research. See what other users are searching for and incorporate these into your posts. TikTok insights can also guide what is popular and inspire future posts.

Prioritize engagement 

Engagement is still the most vital metric on most social media platforms. Likes, shares, comments, and saves matter, regardless of which one is prioritized by the algorithm at the time. 

Increased content engagement boosts your brand’s performance and visibility within the platform. This signals TikTok to boost your content to FYPs, and it can’t be done without you. Make sure to engage with your audience in real-time to establish more personal connections.

Location and language preferences

TikTok knows that users are more likely to engage with local content. Publishers can optimize for their local audiences by tailoring content to use specific language and location settings that will further categorize posts to see local accounts. 

Additionally, you may also want to consider the type of devices your audience consumes your content on. This can affect the type of content you make and improve reach. 

What SEO practices to stop

Some SEO practices worked in previous iterations of the platform, but things change. If you’re still dedicating resources to any of the following, it’s time to stop. 

Hiding hashtags

We all know they are there. You can stop hiding hashtags in the copy! TikTok’s algorithm wants you to use these gems, and users no longer see them as clutter. Put hashtags at the ends and leave the copy for rich text and relevant keywords. 

Focusing on followers

TikTok’s algorithm is more inclusive than other platforms. It doesn’t matter how many followers you have. Small accounts have just as much of a chance of reaching their desired audience, so there is no reason to stress about increasing followers over creating quality content. 

Keyword stuffing 

This technique was not ideal when it first started, and we’re glad it’s gone. You won’t keep your audience coming back with video copy curated only to show up in search results. Provide value. Use a few rich keywords and be authentic with the rest. 

Need some help staying consistent with your TikTok SEO? Reach out to True Anthem for a free demo.

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