Threads strategy guide for publishers

In the scope of large social media platforms, Threads is still the new kid on the block. However, over a year in, we’ve all learned a thing or two about how to use the platform well. This is a constantly moving target as the platform rolls out new features regularly, and the social media landscape constantly evolves. It’s important to understand some time-tested principles that you can apply to build a viable Threads strategy.

Don’t worry, we’ve got you.

Learn the platform: Using Threads features

This should go without saying, but you need to know the nuances of the platform you’re using. Before you start posting, take some time to familiarize yourself with the ins and outs.

Use your knowledge of the features to do some content planning. For example, you cannot go Live on Threads. Don’t plan on a live conversation. Here is a list of features you should look at including as you build out your strategy:

  • Multi-media posting. No, this isn’t a unique or innovative feature in 2024, but you should be posting more than text. Incorporate videos, images, and audio into your every day.
  • Voice Threads. We’re highlighting this because it’s relatively unique. You can record a short voice message and post it or use it to reply to another post. Captions generate automatically!
  • Real-time updates. Similar to X, Threads is a constant stream of information. This means that your content should be posted with the expectation of real-time interaction, and it’s okay to post frequently!
  • Integration with Meta platforms. Threads is closely integrated with Instagram and Facebook, as they are all part of the Meta family. Consider the next way to link your accounts and get the most eyes on your content.
  • Public engagement. The conversations are wide open, which provides an opportunity for public discourse. Interaction between accounts should be an important part of your strategy. Engage with people who are saying interesting things and have conversations that are getting attention!

Develop your voice

As with any social media platform, finding your voice on Threads is essential. Who are you? What do you have to bring to the table? When you’re developing your strategy and voice, it’s important to ask the right questions and get your team on the same page. Developing your voice should be a crucial part of your Threads strategy.

  • Who are you speaking to? Everybody should understand the audience you are trying to reach and speak accordingly. Use your analytics to get to know them—where do they live? How old are they? Do they have kids? What’s their income level? If you’re in a niche, use the correct terminology and slang.
  • Know your why. A mission statement is essential. Everything you post should be filtered through your why. Are you serving your community with reliable news? Are you bringing them timely information about a specific topic? Are you focused on one area of content? Write it down, and make sure your content aligns.
  • Know your value. What are you bringing to the table? Where is your depth of knowledge? This is what you want to focus on when creating content. Don’t post about sports or fashion if you’re a tech publisher. If you’re a local news brand, stay local. It’s important for your audience to know who you are and what to expect from you.
  • What’s your tone? Some publications are formal. Some are snarky and use humor. Figure out how you will present yourself on Threads, and remain consistent. For example, nobody goes to the Wendy’s X account for fast food deals or news. They want the snark.

Once you’ve laid out who you are speaking to and why you’re talking in the first place, the next step is execution.

Executing your strategy

None of your planning means anything without execution. So, once you’ve learned the platform, identified your audience, and developed your voice, you have to get your content out into the world. If you’ve ever run a social media account, you know there’s so much more to it than copy/pasting copy into the text box and hitting send.

Consistency is key for Threads. It’s a fast-moving platform, and posts have a very short lifespan. This means you’ll need to make frequent posts and avoid long gaps. Assuming you don’t have a massive 24/7 team to run social posting, the only way you’re going to stay on top of things is by using a scheduler. Even better, use True Anthem and let our AI scheduler create the posts for you. Our team will even dive into your analytics and help you develop a sustainable and effective posting cadence.

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