Tips to boost your Facebook page engagement 

Facebook page engagement

Facebook remains a powerhouse in the social media world, with many free tools and potential for organic reach. While content is still king, engagement is the magic behind tapping into organic marketing. The more you focus on boosting your Facebook page engagement, the further the Facebook algorithm will push it to the right readers. 

Engagement is a fantastic way to build trust with your audience, but it will take some work. You may have heard that engagement on Facebook is down–don’t panic. There are still several cost-effective ways to boost your engagement in this space without paid ads and outside campaigns.  

In this article, we’ll cover some tips for boosting your Facebook page engagement and let you know how True Anthem can help you reach your goals. 

Facebook page engagement ideas

Optimize your videos 

Engagement can only happen if your audience can find your content. Optimization of your Facebook content will ensure that your account not only reaches potential audiences but is also searchable for those looking for it. It’s probably the best way to increase your Facebook page engagement rate without making significant changes to your content.

Optimization includes using rich and relevant keywords to help the Facebook algorithm categorize your post. Here are the most beneficial places to optimize your content: 

  • Captions and subtitles: Make your content easily accessible by turning on and editing your captions and subtitles on Facebook videos. Many social media users actually watch videos without sound. Optimizing captions and subtitles not only helps with discoverability but also will make your content more enjoyable for the bulk of users. 
  • Post descriptions: Use rich and entertaining text to describe your content while scattering in relevant keywords. Avoid spam-like wording by utilizing storytelling techniques. You don’t need a novel, but make it interesting enough to keep a user’s attention!  
  • Alt text: Adding alt text to your Facebook content is another trick to optimize and make your account more accessible to all users. For more help, here is an article about the importance of Facebook alt text and how to add it. 
  • On-post text: When creating content (images or videos), make sure that any text you add is relevant and optimized. The Facebook algorithm will pick up titles, subtitles, and all other text that pops up! 

Create video playlists

Once you optimize your videos, the next step is to group your content in a playlist so your audience can easily engage with it. When creating a video and Reel playlist, remember also to optimize the title, description, and cover image to help readers find the playlists relevant to their interests. You can find instructions for creating Facebook video playlists here. 

Post directly to Facebook 

While Facebook will share videos from other social media platforms, the videos that get the most engagement are native videos– videos created and posted directly on the Facebook platform. Native videos do not require clicking and playing immediately when users scroll through their feeds. This automatic play feature is perfect for catching readers on the fly. If your video starts engaging enough, they will watch it before realizing it! 

Exclusive posts 

Users on Facebook are loyal to the platform and appreciate when accounts provide exclusive content. Exclusive content can include discounts, special news stories, case studies, or early release of exclusive stories. Try incorporating unique posts just for your Facebook users to spark more engagement and appreciation for your brand. 


Livestreams are a wonderful way to connect with your audience on a deeper level. Users who feel connected to a brand are likelier to engage with a live stream, and Facebook loves it when accounts go Live. Accounts that are broadcasting a Live automatically jump to the top of your follower’s feed. Plus, any account that has previously interacted with your brand on Facebook will get a notification that you are currently Live, providing even more opportunities for engagement. 

This is a Facebook page engagement idea that may be difficult for some. Lives can be intimidating. Some ideas for what you can do on livestreams include behind-the-scenes, interviews, question-and-answer sessions, product boxing/unboxing, live events, contests, live coverage of an event, or simply popping on to thank your audience and see what conversations spark about recent content.

Use Facebook analytics 

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to social media success. Sometimes, it takes a bit of research to see what your audience is responding to best and what type of content they will engage with. Facebook analytics will show you where you are succeeding and which posts are falling short with your audience. This will help you create more content you know your readers will enjoy rather than just throwing posts into the social media void. 

Engage with other accounts 

The Facebook algorithm rewards accounts that authentically engage with other accounts to create a sense of community. Your social media team should dedicate time daily to engaging with accounts in your niche and active followers, including responding to comments and being active with other accounts’ posts–liking, sharing, and commenting. 

Engagement with other accounts is more effective when done in real-time. This doesn’t mean you have to be active on Facebook all day. For smaller brands, you may only need to dedicate 1-1.5 hours throughout the day. However, prioritizing the building of authentic relationships is a must. Your Facebook page engagement rate will thank you.

Boosting Facebook page engagement with True Anthem 

Focusing on engagement takes time and effort, and it’s not always easy (or fun). Thankfully, True Anthem can help. 

Our AI social media management tool can help automate some of the tasks involved with boosting engagement on Facebook, including posting consistency, optimization techniques, highlighting well-performing content, and more. We take away some of the stress involved in social media management, allowing you more time to build relationships with your audience and be creative. 

Request a demo here or reach out to chat with us about our solution for your social media success.

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