YouTube as a search engine

YouTube as a search engine

YouTube is a massive platform that is generally lumped in with other social media platforms. This is often appropriate, as there is a community on YouTube, and the standard social media features (such as commenting, liking, and other forms of engagement) are all available. However, YouTube has a powerful search tool and has long been the second-largest search engine on the internet. Using YouTube as a search engine can be an excellent way for publishers to get their content to the right people.

Why it’s important for publishers

Maximizing search can help you reach the right people. If you do it well, you will draw in users looking for your content—not simply a casual scroller, but someone who is invested in what you offer. This is the gold standard for online audiences! Research your niche, target them well, and you will have an audience actively looking for the content you produce. What more could you ask for as a publisher?

Where does YouTube rank as a search engine?

YouTube is the second-largest search engine on the web, trailing only behind Google. Content here also has a long lifespan compared to other social platforms. Users come here seeking answers and solutions, not just entertainment and trends. So, when you understand your audience, curating content becomes much easier, predominantly Evergreen content that can last for years.

But we’re not YouTubers!

This is an understandable concern. Where do you even start if you aren’t accustomed to producing YouTube content? It doesn’t have to be as complicated as you think.

If you’re a new station, you’ve already got the content! Work on packaging your newscasts for consumption and reuse your social media content like TikToks and Reels for Shorts. Additionally, this is a wonderful place to host explainer content that can enhance your posts. If you produce solid evergreen content, you can add this to your content for months and years to come.

What we’re saying is that you probably already produce the content. Just make sure to post it on YouTube instead of hosting it on your website or Instagram.

How do you set it up?

So, how does YouTube’s algorithm work? Just like website SEO for Google, it’s all about the meta. Your keywords, headline, and featured image are critical to the success of your content. After all, you must be searchable for people to find you!

Things you’re going to want to consider:

  • Keywords: Just like website SEO, you have to research your keywords and identify your target.
  • Create engaging headlines: Your headlines need to be clear, concise, and compelling. You should entice your viewers to watch and also communicate what the video is about. Take the time to do this well!
  • Make your thumbnail compelling: This can also take work. A grainy screen grab will not cut it—design something that captures the video and informs the viewer.
  • Insert actions in the video: End screens, info, and tags matter. A lot! Tell your audience who you are, where they can find you, and what action you want them to take.
  • Your descriptions are important: Seriously, don’t skimp on the description. Linking, keywording, and driving people to your social channels is a critical part of the process.

For more in-depth info on setting your content up well, click here.

How we can help

True Anthem can help! We are here to help you streamline your day-to-day. Let us handle the tedious social scheduling so you can tackle YouTube without any added stress. Set up your demo today!

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